Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer camp: Day 4

Camp Food

Today's the day that all the camp food you've eaten starts to taste good. This is wonderful because normally through the week you eat just enough so that you won't be sick. Breakfast usually includes scrambled eggs, pancakes, frozen grape juice, frozen apple juice, frozen orange juice, milk, bacon, sausage, and our favorite, individual cereal packages. Then comes the monotonous second meal of the day, lunch. Lunch is usually sandwiches, chips, milk and juice, and leftover cereal packages. Between lunch and dinner someone holds a party in their tent and we snack on candy and chips, once someone had Hawaiian rolls and a whole box of bubble gum. Then the most awaited meal of the day, dinner. Dinner could be anything from pork chops to leftover leftover cereal packages. No matter how bad the food is, it's guaranteed that you will go to bed with a full stomach.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer camp: Day 3


This is it. Day three. Most after class activities are open, including "the iceburg". The iceburg is a giant inflatable rock climbing wall floating in the middle of the lake. If you can make it past the first two footholds, you can make it. If you can't... be thankful it's water you're about to fall in. At the top is you're reward, A scenic view, a nice slide/fall down the iceberg, and horseflies, LOTS of horseflies. They'll follow you all the way up to the campsite, and sometimes further.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Charlie, The Dog

This is Charlie.

This was Charlie on Christmas Eve... Yep, it's the same dog.
Well, it started like this. My brother, Cameron, wanted a dog...Badly. I was opossed to the idea. I viewed dogs as violent chewing machines. Eventually Chistmas time came, and thoughts of dogs were free from my head... Untill Cameron got an "Early Christmas Preasent". I saw the abnomally large box with small air holes in it and said to myself,"If it must be an animal, be a gerbil or a hamster". It took Cameron FOREVER to open the box. THE SUSPENCE WAS KILLING ME! Inside the box was the most adorable puppy on the planet. I regret thinking the way I did about dogs. Now I know why They're Man's Best Friend

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer camp: Day 2


This day is the longest. It's also the day classes start. Today is like an introduction to camp. After classes we hang out around the scoutmaster tent where folding chairs were private property. So if you didn't bring a chair... Tough luck. Then we had dinner. Camp food has it's own food pyramid. Yes, it's that unusual. Then we went to the closing flag ceremony. Then it got dark, very dark. This is the time when people decide whether or not they are going to bed. When you're in bed you think to yourself, "5 more days...Ugh."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer camp: Day 1


The ride from Memphis to Hardy is long and anxious. Then you wait in the dining hall for camp staff to check your health forms. We had fun pouring ice down each others shirts while we waited. Then it's back to the cars so we can drive to the waiting campsites. On the way, one adult will usually get lost. We're finally there. We choose our tents carefully, as one tent will have a problem.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Introduction: "That's Odd"

Hi! Welcome to "That's Odd"! As you know, most things in the world aren't... well... NORMAL. This is where I'll keep a record of the VERY few instances in the world that aren't quite right. I guess that I should give you a "That's Odd" story now... ok... um... Alright, I've got one. I saw this sign in front of Walgreens that said " Text this to this number to get exclusive deals." But a Cellular South sign right next to it said "Don't text while driving."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Collin, the Blogger

Despite the post title, I have never posted, or actually blogged for that matter. I don't even know what I'm doing. If it weren't for Mom this whole post would've been in bold italics. I'm mouseing over options that I don't recognize and Mom is saying "Don't click that right now." I know what text color is so I think I'll use it. Now I'm ready to Blog!